First Christian Church

108 E. Walnut Street
North Vernon, Indiana 47265
Phone  (8120 346-3177

Brian Jenkins, Minister of Youth

Dear Steve

Thanks once again for coming to share with us on such short notice.  Even at our Sunday services there was still the echo of, "Boy that Waldo was something."

I don't know, if while you are performing, whether you get a chance to look at the kid's eyes.   Thursday night they were as big as silver dollars.  You made an impact on those in attendance that will last a long time.

My regret was that we didn't have the entire congregation to join us.  I am certain they would have loved the program and gotten something out of it.

Aside from the professionalism of Waldo, and beyond his humor is the way he presented the gospel.   This had to be one of the most effective ways I've seen for captivating an audience and sharing Christ.  Any age would benefit from a program with Waldo!

God Bless You,

Brian Jenkins

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Professor Steve's Amazing World of Science
1405 Brooke Dr.;  Lebanon, Indiana  46052