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To whom it may concern:

As the home church for Steve Walden, we are happy to recommend his ministry as Waldo the Clown.  Steve just recently presented a program to our congregation and the response from the children as well as the adults was enthusiastic.   He was highly effective in communicating lessons from Scripture through the use of humor, magic, and visual displays.  As Waldo the Clown, an easy rapport was established and maintained with the audience that made the program entertaining and delightful.  Waldo also provides a point of contact for the children that makes the message he shares more memorable.

For more than a decade, Steve has devoted himself to developing this ministry and we believe that he has found a unique and an effective tool for presenting the gospel in a variety of formats.  As a clown he can open doors and touch lives and provide an outreach to people who might not otherwise be receptive to the church.  We commend his ministry to you.

New Hope Christian Church

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1405 Brooke Dr.;  Lebanon, Indiana  46052