Pricing Policies

For Churches
One of my goals has always been to provide a ministry that is affordable
for every church & group, no matter their size. To accomplish this, my pricing
for programs & workshops is always based upon the average attendance of the
congregation. The bigger you are, the more I ask--the smaller you are, the less I
ask. This pricing policy, plus lots of flexibility on my side (taking each situation
on an individual basis), makes both Waldo the Clown & Professor Steve something that
every church can utilize.
For Schools & Libraries
For public schools, I charge $400.00 for one
program & $300.00 for each additional program (same program repeated). This
allows us to break larger schools up into smaller groups, making the
programs more effective & more age-appropriate for each group. For
libraries, I charge $350.00 for a program or workshop, & for daycare
centers, $300.00. Add the fact that I am flexible with every group & know
what it is like to work within a budget, Waldo & Professor Steve is always
For Camps, Clowning Groups, & Other Assorted
Church groups are priced according to their attendance. School
groups are priced per convocation or workshop. But what about camps where there is
no "average attendance" to go by, or clowning groups that are not funded by a
church or a part of a school? No problem! I will work with your situation,
funds, & needs to come up with a price that works for everyone. I will bend over
backwards to help you get Waldo or Professor Steve to your group.
Additional Costs
In addition to the cost of the programs or workshops, there is also a
mileage or travel expense. For programs within driving distance, I charge .40 per
mile round trip. For programs where air travel is involved, you would pay the costs
to fly me in (usually very affordable, even for small groups). Also, everyone is
responsible for any housing costs, should that need arise.
Stuff You Don't Have to Pay For
Now for the free stuff. I provide you with some beautiful
promotional materials. Posters, clip art, activity pages, & pictures are yours
to use to help generate excitement about Waldo's or Professor Steve's time with you.
For workshops, I provide any supplies needed. I also carry a complete sound system
with me, so regardless of where you put me, everyone will be able to hear (even people in
the cheap seats).
Professor Steve's Amazing World of Science
1405 Brooke Dr.; Lebanon, Indiana 46052
(765)482-0875 waldotheclown@hotmail.com