Waldo's Sideshow

puzzle piece 1.gif (1831 bytes)Waldo's Jigsaw Puzzlespuzzle piece 2.gif (1849 bytes)

Do you like jigsaw puzzles?  Then you'll love these puzzles that you can play right on your computer.  I made them myself & host them myself, so they are safe.  Just click on the link of the puzzle you want to solve.  If your computer tells you this file is "not commonly downloaded" just hit the "Actions" button, then "Run Anyway".  Click on the puzzle thumbnail that appears, & enjoy your puzzle experience.  

question marks.gif (2993 bytes)Puzzle Help Pagequestion marks.gif (2993 bytes)

Dancing Waldo Puzzle Thumbnail.gif (10024 bytes)Dancing Waldo Puzzle

Circus Posters Puzzle Thumbnail.gif (42526 bytes) Ringling Posters Puzzle

Waldo's Sideshow Back to Sideshow Main Page

Clown Finger Left.gif (556 bytes)Back to Circus O' Fun Main Page

circus home.gif (7178 bytes) Back to Home Page

1405 Brooke Dr.;  Lebanon, Indiana  46052
(765)482-0875  waldotheclown@hotmail.com