Waldo & Professor Steve

My Favorite Things
Don't Be a Baby!

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Lesson Aim:
To teach that Christians need to grow & develop spiritually, just like a normal person develops physically & mentally every day.  God expects us to mature in our walk with Him, not just remain a "baby". 

Appropriate Scriptures:
Any verses involving spiritual growth & development, such as:
I Corinthians 3:1-2
I Corinthians 13:11
Ephesians 4:14-15
Hebrews 5:11-6:1
I Peter 2:2-3

Supplies You Will Need:
(1) A baby's pacifier
(2) A baby's rattle
(3) A baby's bottle
(4) A toy car, doll, or stuffed animal
(5) A box to hold the above, labeled "My Favorite Things"

Advance Set-Up:
Fill your bottle.  Put everything in the box.

What You Are Going to Do:
Standing in front of your group, you are going to bring out the box of your "favorite things" & enjoy them before everyone.

What You Are Going to Say:
You are going to talk to your group about favorite things.  Everyone has favorite things.  Favorite foods, favorite items, favorite books, etc.  You have collected some of your favorite things in your special box.  Take out the pacifier.   Put it in your mouth & suck it with gusto!  Take out your rattle.   Shake it like you mean it (after all, it is one of your favorite things)!   Take out your bottle.  You're really thirsty - drink from it like there's no tomorrow.  Take out your toy.  Play with it.  Go back to your rattle.   You can't decide which one you like more (they are both favorites).  Have fun with all of this.  The more you act like a little baby here, the more effective your lesson will be.

Key Ideas You Want to Get Across:

  Why is an adult playing with a child's toy & sucking on a bottle funny?   Because adults are supposed to outgrow these things as they mature.  How many Christians are still "babies" in their spiritual lives?  God wants us to grow.  He wants us to go beyond the "milk" & get to the "meat".  He wants strong, growing & healthy warriors.  Give up the bottle - pick up your knife & fork!

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Professor Steve's Amazing World of Science
1405 Brooke Dr.;  Lebanon, Indiana  46052
(765)482-0875  waldotheclown@hotmail.com